
Showing posts from November, 2019

Internship day 12 ( 29/11/2019)

INTERNSHIP DAY 12( 29/11/2019-FRIDAY) Today is a great day for me...  I am very happy and thrilled. .. Because  of only one reason. Today was my first internship observation by my concerned teacher Ciji teacher.  I reached the school at 9:00 am. Then went to ask permission from Reena teacher for taking the class 8 D at the first period.  Teacher gladly allowed me to use that time. After prayer me and my teacher went to standard 8 D.  Teacher impressed by my class. She appreciated me.  All my dearest students cooperated with teaching learning process.  I got very very good feed back from my teacher.  That made me happy.  I taught a lesson named as"MAHAJANAPADAS" in that class.  I followed advance organiser model.  I successfully operated that model and conveyed my content to my students.  I am very happy today........  ‎ Thank  God for this happiness..... 

Life of Aryans


Internship day 11( 28/11/2019)

This was a wonderful day.  I reached my school before 9:15 am.  Today I got only one class , in standrad 8. I went to teach a topic named as foreign relationship, which deals with the invasions of persian and Macedonians to India...... Thus I finished the 8th chapter of their text.  I was free after 12:00 pm.  So I spend my time for peer observation.  I went to observe Veena's class.  She taught about lences.  She used various types of lences and she connected them with real life situations.  Her teaching also useful for me too.  The bell rang at 3:30 pm.  

Internship day 7 (22/11/2019)

I am very happy today because only for one reason,  I taught my lesson in std 8 with full of satisfaction in my mind.  Thank god......  All students pay keen attention in my instructions and actively participated in learning activities.   I am so sooo happyyyyyyyy....... 

Internship day 6 (21/11/2019, thursday)

                     INTERNSHIP  DAY 6  (21/11/2019)              -------------------------------------------                       Today was the sixth day of my internship  at Govt VHSS poovachal,  TVM.                         As the previous day I reached the school before 9:00 am. After signed in the attendance register I went to our assigned room. The school assembly started at 9:30 am.  After prayer I went to meet Biju sir for signing in my lesson template for today's class.                         I spend  in the library for few times and read a magazine published by Times of India,  which contains information related to education.   ...

E content


Internship day 5 (20/11/2019)

                            Internship day 5 (20/11/2019) Today is not a fine day for me because when I reached at my school I heard a bad news,  a student in standrard 9 A met with an accident and admitted in the medical college.  All of the teachers,  students felt very sad of him.  His name is Thaha who achieved prize for arabic recitation in the last sub district arts festival.  His condition is so miserable....   Anyway I taught a lesson named as " Life of Aryans" in standrad 8A and 8D.  I felt very very happy after taught in 8 A.  Because I captured the attention of the whole class and conveyed the topic very very successfully.  This is the first day which there is no uncomfortable experience occured from this class.  In other days they make noise after sometime. I am very satisfied with my students....   Sandra my peer also came...
             INTERNSHIP DAY 4 (19/11/2019)                          Today also completed successfully.  This day was started with morning session.  Assembly was conducted. Head mistress gave valuable speech to the students.                Today I taught a topic named as "Migration of Aryans " in standrad 8. With the help of ICT I had successfully gave instructions to them.  ICT corparated with other teaching aids helps me and students.                 After lunch time Prameela teacher asked to us to be a part of an awareness class helded by three persons.  We helped them . They conducted the class based on " Drug Abuse". The class was very effective.  They conveyed major areas of this social evil.  The students got clear awareness about the impact of drug ab...

Internship day 3 (18/11/2019)

                         Internship day 3 (18/11/2019)                ------------------------------------------- Today was also nice for me  because I got more opportunities to interact with students in five classes rather than assigned for me..... As the previous days I reached the school before 9:00 am..... I referred the topics for my classes once again..... I taught the topic economic thinkers in standrad 8 A successfully. I got chance to met the students in 9 C and 8 B at their free time because of the absence of the teachers. The interaction with students was very interesting.  They shared their experiences to me as a companion...  Today was also nice for me......

Internship day 2 (15/11/2019)

          INTERNSHIP  DAY II (15/11/2019)              ------------------------------------------- Today was the second day of my internship  at Govt VHSS poovachal,  TVM. As the previous day I reached the school before 9:00 am. After signed in the attendance register I went to our assigned room. The school assembly started at 9:30 am.  After prayer I moved to standard 9 A and spend time until the class teacher reached in that class. At morning I didn't got any class.  So I spend my time in the library and read a magazine published by Times of India,  which contains information related to education.  It consists lot of valuable information related to Harappan civilization also.  That was very informative. After that,  I prepared for my class once again. After lunch break I went to standrad 8 A to teach a topic named as" Economic thoughts". I successfully completed it and co...


Children's Day  is celebrated in India to increase awareness of the rights, care and education of children. It is held on 14 November every year as a tribute to India's First Prime Minister,Jawaharlal Nehru fondly known as 'Chacha Nehru' among children, he advocated for children to have fulfilled education.On this day, many educational and motivational programs are held across India, by and for the children. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY

November 14


Children's Day programmes in school
