INTERNSHIP DAY 4 (19/11/2019)

            Today also completed successfully.  This day was started with morning session.  Assembly was conducted. Head mistress gave valuable speech to the students.  

             Today I taught a topic named as "Migration of Aryans " in standrad 8. With the help of ICT I had successfully gave instructions to them.  ICT corparated with other teaching aids helps me and students.

                After lunch time Prameela teacher asked to us to be a part of an awareness class helded by three persons.  We helped them . They conducted the class based on " Drug Abuse". The class was very effective.  They conveyed major areas of this social evil.  The students got clear awareness about the impact of drug abuse in them and our society.  The class was started at 2:15 pm and ended at 3:30 pm. 


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